

Lights return to I-264/I-64 interchange


Virginia Beach, Va. – Approximately five years ago, VDOT crews removed 28 high-mast interstate lighting units at the Interstate 264/ Interstate 64 Interchange due to aging structures. This $2.2 million replacement project will upgrade conduit and lighting tower units on both east – and- west bound lanes of I-64 and I-264.

The design for the lighting system began in early 2012, and then crews began assembling the poles in the designated areas in March 2013. These 150-foot light masts with 1000-watt high-pressure sodium lamps will last longer and provide better lighting onto the roadway surface due to their more precise placement.

Currently, 16 lights in this corridor have been illuminated following Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. The remaining 7 poles have been slated for installation and illumination by mid-July 2013.