After weeks of exposing possible mold and maintenance problems inside Lincoln Military Housing, the company finally responded.
Pictures were sent to NewsChannel 3 by the hundreds showing what many thought was mold in complexes owned by Lincoln Military Housing.
We’ve heard horrible stories from dozens of military families who came forward to tell us about what they call “poor maintenance” done by workers and the health problems they say their families have suffered because of mold.
Despite the continuous reporting, there had been very little response from the company.
Lincoln sent a letter out to their residents in Hampton Roads over the weekend.
The author, Jarl Bliss, president of Lincoln Military Housing says he has been troubled by our stories and his team is trying to address all maintenance concerns brought to their attention through our reporting.
From now on, a comprehensive maintenance review and remedy program will be instituted at all Lincoln complexes around Hampton Roads.
After weeks of phone calls and visits to their local offices, Bliss himself has finally agreed to an exclusive on-camera interview, and we plan on asking him tough questions about the company’s actions, both past and present.
We’re taking action and getting results for local military families.
Tune in tomorrow for the in-depth interview with the president of Lincoln Military Housing only on NewsChannel 3.