

Senator Mark Warner holds town hall to address military mold issues

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NewsChannel 3 is continuing to take action and get results for military families who say that dangerous mold has taken over their lives. Now the military housing contractor is getting a warning from the senate.

Senator Mark Warner held a town hall meeting to hear some of the things these families have been dealing with.

Lincoln Military Housing and top Navy officials finally owned up to the mold problems brought to light by an exclusive NewsChannel 3 investigation.

Even Lincoln’s president finally said the “m” word on camera-mold.

It was less than two months ago that resident Shelley Federico came to WTKR’s studios to share her story and Sunday she and dozens of other families finally got to speak directly to two Navy admirals and the leaders of Lincoln Military Housing.

At the head of the table was Senator Mark Warner who was joined by Congressmen Scott Rigell and Bobby Scott who were all demanding answers from Lincoln.

“I’ve been through a lot of sessions in 20 years of being senator and governor; very few made me as mad as this one,” says Sen. Warner.

There were Navy officials there also who said they never knew about the problems in off-base housing. Residents did not agree.

“Our role among other things is to make sure your voice is being heard with the partner, and I apologize for that, take that directly on, but I promise you that I am going to fix it,” says Radm Alexander of theU.S. Navy.

But what will it take to make people trust both Lincoln and the Navy again?

“We will take a look at all our people involved in all of this and if we find out that people have used fear, intimidation, as it has been described by some of our families, or if people are not being responsive, we will do whatever is necessary to correct it,” says Alexander.

Now NewsChannel 3 will not be the only organization holding both Lincoln and the Navy accountable.

“I’m going to get results or there are going to be changes,” says Sen. Warner.