After watching so much coverage about the new tolls at the Midtown and Downtown Tunnels a NewsChannel 3 viewer sent a message about tolls at the Coleman Bridge.
Paul wrote: “I'm really getting sick of people complaining about the new tolls at the tunnels. I have been paying a toll at the Coleman Bridge for more than 11 years. This bridge was modified long before I moved to Gloucester County and we are still paying for it. I don't know why the toll is still in place.
So we took action to get answers from VDOT about why drivers are still paying the toll.
VDOT tells us the bonds that were issued to cover the cost of the reconstruction of the Coleman Bridge will not be paid off for another 9 years.
But that doesn't mean the toll will end then. It may be extended beyond 2021 because of other obligations.
Toll revenues are used to cover operating and ordinary maintenance of the Coleman Bridge, annual debt service payments and deposits to a maintenance and replacement fund.