Today's emergency landing brings back thoughts of the F-A 18 jet crash earlier this month. Folks in the resort city continue to praise the Navy for the way both situations were handled.
Three weeks ago tomorrow, the jet from Oceana crashed into the middle of the Mayfair Mews Apartments off North Birdneck Road. While it was a crash people will never forget, many like Linda Connor are quick to forgive.
"I love the military. It doesn`t bother me one bit. I think the pilots from the crash back on good Friday did a wonderful job and they`re to be saluted. Again, today was just an accident," says Connor.
To this day, when she hears the sounds of jets or helicopters flying over her head, she doesn't react with fear, but instead with pride.
"They landed because they needed to, so I`m not bothered by it at all. I`m not frightened by it. I don`t think that the base needs to go away and I don`t think there needs to be undue fear over it."