Tonight friends, family, and colleagues came together to remember the life of Carla Williams, a woman who was killed three weeks ago by her husband. Those who knew her are all trying to keep her spirit alive while also learning from her death.
Carla Williams loved people in a way that could be understood in any language.
"I like everything about her. She was a nice teacher,” says Brenda Portillo, a student.
Williams was stabbed, shot and burned three weeks ago at her Hampton home.
Her grandmother and young daughter were dead inside.
Police then shot and killed the suspect, Williams’ husband in a standoff after he set her home on fire.
"She was a person of passion, a woman of commitment and in her heart, she cared and that was the sentiment everyone was family to her,” says Patricia Tillman, a teacher.
Williams taught English as a second language at Denbigh High School.
On Tuesday night, her friends, colleagues and students celebrated the life of a woman who tried to celebrate each and every one of theirs.
Williams focused on making people new to America comfortable both with their new language and their new home.
She worked with teen girls at Denbigh High, creating the program shaping high expectations.
It's about empowering the girls, something that Williams had difficulty with herself as the victim of domestic abuse.
There's a lot to learn from Williams.
Her zest and passion to help others they are trying to emulate.
But her tragic end has her friends wishing there was more they could have done, and Williams could have done for herself.