

Fire destroys church; child care on hold

and last updated

Approximately 45 children have no place for daycare for the time being after fire tore through part of a Norfolk church last night.

The church run daycare at Royster Memorial Presbyterian Church is on hold because of smoke and water damage near the child care area. It may be a week before it can resume services. Church officials say they're working to find a temporary daycare location and have notified parents.

Norfolk firefighters got the call just after midnight Wednesday. It didn't take long for them to extinguish the flames. Investigators don't think it's suspicious but the cause isn't known.

"The damage is extensive," says Pastor John Monroe.

"Basically, the whole hallway from my office and the secretary's office, all the way down to the main kitchen, that hallway is pretty much destroyed."

The church says the sanctuary was spared any damage and hopes to have things back up and running by Sunday for mother's day services.