

Mike Goldsmith named new Norfolk police chief

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NORFOLK – Norfolk City Manager Marcus Jones announced today that Capt. Mike Goldsmith will be the new Chief of Police for the City of Norfolk.

“Chief Goldsmith exhibits all the qualities I expect in a police chief” said Jones.  “He rose through the ranks of the department as a steady and dependable leader.  I trust in his ability to lead, his command of the issues and the community and his vision of an inclusive force,” says Jones.  

Goldsmith joined the Norfolk Police Department in February 1989. Most recently he served as the Commanding Officer of the Administrative Services Bureau. He also served as the Commanding Officer of the Homeland Security Division and developed the Norfolk Harbor Patrol into the premier law enforcement entities of its kind in the state.   

Goldsmith also served as the Commanding Officer of the Office of Professional Standards where he supervised all aspects of administrative investigations concerning police misconduct and citizen complaints.

Awards Goldsmith has received include the 43rd Session Norfolk Police Academy Honor Graduate, Virginia Department of Emergency Management certified Advanced Incident Command System Instructor and Department of Criminal Justice Services General Instructor and Firearms Instructor.