

Beach Mosquito Control reports high number of positive tests for EEE


According to Virginia Beach Public Works, there have been several positive tests for EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) within the last month. 

They say as of Monday, there were 5 EEE positive mosquito pools taken from four different testing locations. Three of the sites are in Blackwater and the fourth is on West Neck in Pungo.

They say there has also been one confirmed positive EEE test from a sentinel chicken in Pungo and 3 more pending EEE positive sentinel chickens.

They say these numbers are unusually high.

Mosquito Control has increased their spraying program in the areas affected and they say citizens who spend a lot of time outdoors should take precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

EEE is actually rare in humans, but conditions have been prime for it to become a problem this season.