

July weather stats: The official numbers

and last updated

July is usually the hottest month of the year in Hampton Roads (based on average temperature). But how did July 2012 stack up? Let’s take a look at the official numbers from Norfolk.

Average temperature: 82.5°; 2.9° above “normal”

Hottest: 102° on July 8th, Coldest:69°

We had 18 days above average, 2 days at average, and 11 days below average.

We also had 18 days reach 90° or hotter, with only one day in the triple digits.

How about rainfall?

July total: 4.81″ ; 0.33″ below normal

We had 9 days in July with measurable rainfall.

July’s totals put us at 26.55″ for the year; 0.13″ above normal.

What can we expect for August?

Normal High: 85°; Normal Low: 71°

Record High: 105°; Record Low: 49°

Average Rainfall: 5.52″; Average of 10 days with measurable rain.