July is usually the hottest month of the year in Hampton Roads (based on average temperature). But how did July 2012 stack up? Let’s take a look at the official numbers from Norfolk.
Average temperature: 82.5°; 2.9° above “normal”
Hottest: 102° on July 8th, Coldest:69°
We had 18 days above average, 2 days at average, and 11 days below average.
We also had 18 days reach 90° or hotter, with only one day in the triple digits.
How about rainfall?
July total: 4.81″ ; 0.33″ below normal
We had 9 days in July with measurable rainfall.
July’s totals put us at 26.55″ for the year; 0.13″ above normal.
What can we expect for August?
Normal High: 85°; Normal Low: 71°
Record High: 105°; Record Low: 49°
Average Rainfall: 5.52″; Average of 10 days with measurable rain.