

Rolling of the Bulls in Hampton this weekend


You’ve heard of the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain – each year people tempt fate, putting themselves in front of a speeding herd with horns – and every year people get hurt doing so.

Well, this weekend in Hampton there’s a chance to get a similar thrill without all the danger. It’s called the Rolling of the Bulls. 

The Bulls are Roller Derby Girls, armed with wiffleball bats, helmets with horns, and of course, rollerskates.

It happens Sunday in Downtown Hampton on Queens Street. People will be chased down a half mile course.

It’s free to run – you just need to wear white and a red scarf so the girls know who to hit.

The Blessing of the Bulls starts at 12:45 p.m. with the run starting shortly after.

There’s a fundraiser being held to benefit the Dominion Derby Girls at the Marker 20 Restuartant after the run.