

Viewers take action for Operation School Uniform


We've partnered with 'My Help, My Hope' Charities to provide back-to-school clothing and supplies for children in area homeless shelters.

Marie Boyd fundraises for the homeless every year by sleeping outside at Todd Stadium.

We featured her efforts during her last fund drive, and she later won a Taking Action Award for her good works in the community and her non-profit “Good Samaritan Fund.”

She was watching when NewsChannel 3 featured area kids in homeless shelters in need of school clothing and supplies. Marie called and told us it was her calling to pitch in and help.

This week, we'll show you how Marie took the money you donated and shopped for two families who needed back-to-school clothing and supplies.  The smiles on their faces were priceless.

We'd also like to thank Dayra Marshall Brown of Chesapeake and Todd Dinkel of Newport News for making a donation.

Join us and take action to help! Donate to “Operation School Uniform”


Donate: Operation School Uniform

Operation School Uniform: Marie Boyd

Operation School Uniform: The Davis Family

Operation School Uniform: The Barnes Family

Operation School Uniform – Items and clothing needed

Operation School Uniform: The Lowe family

Operation School Uniform: Taking action for local students