Yesterday a friend of mine was having some issues with his phone. During the discussion, he asked if he had to get a new one, which one should he get? It made me think. There are a lot of really great phones out there right now. He was limited to his carrier, so I gave my opinion. And now I’m going to do it for you too.
I am a Verizon Wireless customer. I’ll put that out there first. So I’m going to do this alphabetically for the top 4 carriers.
The Samsung Galaxy SII is available on all four carriers and I’d recommend it on each one. So we’ll skip listing it for each carrier. It’s a beautiful phone. I’ve had some hands on time with this one and it does everything it says it does. The screen is beautiful and it’s fast.
After the SGS3 I would pick the HTC One X. HTC makes some really good phones. I haven’t had a lot of time with this phone, but its specs are pretty impressive and I’ve heard some good things from others.
The Samsung Galaxy Note is another amazing phone. It’s big though. It’s somewhere between a phone and a tablet. I don’t think it’s for me, but I know a lot of people who say it’s amazing and love the stylus pen.
Sprint has the Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE (big name). I love the build of a Motorola phone. They just seem to build them strong. It’s also got some good specs. No hands on time here, but I’d still say it’s a great phone.
You might also check out the HTC EVO 4G LTE. I loved the original EVO phone. It kinda set the standard for the bigger screen phones. I’ve heard the 3D version wasn’t spectacular, but this new one makes me wish I could be on Sprint for a couple months to check it out.
Over here – we’ll go back to HTC. T-Mobile has the HTC One S. It’s kind of like the One X over on AT&T. A nice looking phone with some impressive specs. Again, I haven’t had hands on with this one. But I would feel safe saying it’s a good choice.
Motorola gets another vote over here. The Razr Maxx is sleek! It’s already got the extended battery life and it’s thin! Plus, it’s Motorola so it’s a sturdy phone.
Also, the Razr M. The M is a new phone so I’ve only done some reading, but from what’s out there. It’s a great phone. I wouldn’t mike checking it out for a while.
If you’re reading this and thinking ‘hey he didn’t mention and LG/Sony or fill in the blank phones’. I don’t have anything against them. I just think the ones I listed are some of the best choices. When it really comes down to it, your opinion is the one that matters.
I always give people my thoughts, but then tell them – go to the store, pick up the phones you’re interested in. See how they feel in your hand. Take a bit and use them like you would normally there. You’re likely to find something you really like or really hate and that is more important than anything I can tell you.
Did I miss a great phone? Let me know! Leave your comments here or find me on Twitter: @Doctor_Droid.