Dad: Now that’s funny.
Me: What?
Dad: Making those robbers stand in the road in their underwear. (Laughter)
Sorry if I’m a little behind on my “Vegas” reviews but I had to wait until Mom and Dad were finished with their disaster relief work in New York. It’s just not the same watching episodes without him. Exhibit A:
Dad: That’s how they used to do it back then. They’d take you home instead of arresting you for little things.
Me: I have a feeling this happened to you. What were you doing?
Dad: Playing war on Main Street.
Me: Playing war?
Dad: Yeah. I was driving a ’55 Ford convertible. My friends were in the back of a station wagon throwing cherry bombs at me as I tried to dodge them.
Me: (Facepalm)
I told you. Who first came up with a swirly? I mean, you’re sitting there, or more likely standing cause I assume it was a guy, doing your business and you come up with the grand idea of sticking someone’s head in a toilet and flushing repeatedly. I guess it’s better than other tortures.
I liked seeing Sheriff Lamb and Savino work together. When they put their heads to it they really can pull off a lot. And as the preview shows, they’ll be spending more time together next week.
Mom: Ha, the sheriff’s office was watching a debate on a stolen TV.
Me & Dad: What?
Mom: They had one of the TVs Savino’s men stole too.
Me: Nice catch.