NEWTOWN, Conn. (CNN)–While the grieving will continue for some time in Newtown, Connecticut after Friday’s school shooting, plans are already underway to prepare for students to go back to class.
Students at other Newtown schools return to school on Tuesday, except for Sandy Hook.
Sandy Hook elementary is currently being relocated. Officials are trying to create a sense of normalcy for the children after Friday’s deadly massacre that left 26 dead, and the neighboring town stepped in to help.
Steve Vavrek is the Monroe’s chief executive. He said as soon as he heard about the horror at Sandy Hook, he offered up Chalk Hill middle school, which recently closed.
Vavrek met with some of the students and teachers at Sunday’s vigil.
“Most of them were very, very thankful that they had a place to go back to work,” said Vavrek. The children and the teachers were…it was emotional.”
Truck loads filled with everything from desks to bulletin boards are leaving Sandy Hook elementary.
“That’s the student’s materials, the backpacks that they left,” Vavrek said. “When the children come in whenever the school has started they walk into a classroom that looks as close as possible as their classroom that they left.”
All day long contractors from around the region donated their time to transform the former middle school into an elementary school. There are little things that have to be done.
“The toilets all have to be replaced to a smaller size,” Jim Agostine, Superintendent of Monroe said. “Things have to be made accessible, towel dispensers, things like that lowered.”
He said it’s important to get kids back in the classroom.
“Well, that’s exactly the sense of normalcy that they need to begin the healing process and to feel safe and protected and to get back into a routine,” Agostine said.
One change every parent will notice at school’s across the area after Sandy Hook is police patrol.
Agostine said it’s a protective measure, and a way to help families and students alleviate some anxiety as they return to class.
“Unfortunately, it may be the new normal,” Agostine said. “It may be the way we have to take course, take action in the future.”