It's National Pancake Day!
And it's also "National Weatherperson Day".
That being said - the WGNT/WTKR morning crew made pancake creations - and the theme is, "Weather Events".
Check out each team member's pancake creation in the photo gallery.
About National Pancake Day
Participating IHOPs are giving away free pancakes to raise money for local charities.
Voluntary donations will benefit the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters at four IHOP locations in Hampton Roads; other locations are raising money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The fundraising goal this year is $3 million nationwide.
The following IHOP locations are benefitting CHKD:
Virginia Beach: General Booth Blvd.;First Colonial Road
Williamsburg: Richmond Road; and E. Rochambeau Drive
Cost: Free pancakes - (donations ARE accepted.)