I am so distracted about the next episode I’m having trouble categorizing my thoughts on this episode of “Criminal Minds.” It’s time for the Replicator to be discussed! At the end of the episode we got another brief glimpse at his collect of murders and photos. I am curious if the video from Blake’s class was meant to make us think he is targeting her.
Speaking of Blake, I was glad we got to see more of her skills in this case. For the most part, other than the first episode where we learned who she was and her service as Reid’s confidant in love, she’s not really been a focus this season. Maybe they’re trying to ease her into the show for fans like me who were very skeptical about her actually working out.
As for the killer, he was easy to peg as soon as you saw him at the bar. Plus, the overkill on the first victim kind of gave you a clue about the sexual frustration he was dealing with. And what I like about how “Criminal Minds” is written is how you’re not trying to figure out the killer each episode. Most of the time you’ve seen them before the team knows there’s even a case. Instead, the show is more about how they put the pieces together to catch the person, not weeding through a list of suspects.
It amazes me the punishments people put children through, thinking they won’t have ramifications in the future. I think the sad part is there are camps, like the one in tonight’s episode, that use torture to try and rid someone of homosexuality. Then, they justify by quoting Scripture. Rossi said it right when he talked about the Good Book being used to justify many bad things. Too bad the extremists are the only one’s people see sometimes.
Ok, who is excited about the Replicator next week? Do you think we’ve met him or her before? Share your theories below.