

Virginia congressional delegation spread out across state as sequestration looms


With just 8 days until sequestration kicks in, Virginia's congressional delegation isn't in Washington but instead spread out across Virginia.

Senator Kaine spent the day in Staunton and Stafford

Congressmen Scott and Forbes were attending meetings in Richmond

Congressman Rigell met with his military advisory committee in Hampton roads

Everyone we tracked down agrees that they should be in Washington

“Our calendar is not reflecting the challenges facing our country. We ought to be in session right now. We've said that to leadership both Republican and Democrat, House and Senate. We need to lead by example and that's not happening at present,” says Scott Rigell.

“This is something that we can clearly fix. We just need to get to work and do it,” says Congressman Bobby Scott.

We also took questions from NewsChannel 3's viewers straight to the lawmakers who represent them.

Manolo Pedro wrote us asking, "I would like to know if these lawmakers will still be getting paid when the sequestration kicks in and thousands have lost their jobs."

“I think that if this thing goes into effect for whatever period of time to the extent that people are furloughed, members of Congress should not be paid,” says Rep. Rigell.

We also asked Congressmen Scott and Rigell about an assessment from families of shipyard workers warned of possible layoffs that "Congress has failed them."

Both men agree given the current situation, that Congress has failed those workers and their families.