Washington, D.C. – On Tuesday, February 26, 2013, Congressman Scott Rigell delivered the following statement regarding his meeting with President Obama:
“At my request, today I met with President Obama to discuss the need to stop sequestration. I shared with the President my concern that the Administration has not provided a definitive legislative alternative to sequestration. Though the conversation was substantive, my concern on these critical topics remain. Equally concerning is the recently announced position by the Republican Conference that any agreement to avert sequestration that contains any additional revenue will not be considered. Given the two positions, sequestration, an alternative described by both Republicans and Democrats as reckless, now seems inevitable. As a result, hard working Americans, including many who call Hampton Roads home, will suffer. National security will suffer as well. Given the severity of the consequences, this is unacceptable. I continue to call on the President and leadership from both parties to put what is best for our country ahead of all else.”
Photos: President Obama in Hampton Roads
President’s economic advisor details how sequestration could impact area
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