

Families connected through an organ donation meet for the first time in Virginia Beach


Virginia Beach, Va. - Two families connected because of an organ donation met for the first time Sunday.

Five years ago, Robert Harmon received a kidney and pancreas transplant. The organs were donated by Michelle Corder's 16-year-old son, Clayton, who died in a motor bike accident.

They've exchanged letters and phone calls in the past, but Sunday was the first time they were able to meet in person at an annual event held to remember donors.

Even at a young age, Michelle says her son knew he wanted to be an organ donor.

"Even though he's not physically here, he's still here, he's still helping people and he's still loving people and it's a wonderful feeling to be part of the process."

"I'll never be able to thank them enough for such an incredible gift, there is no greater gift as far as I'm concerned in the sense of giving life."

Other families of organ donors were also at Sunday's annual "In Celebration and Remembrance" ceremony - remembering their loved ones as they each placed a tulip in a vase.

Donor recipients also shared stories about how organ donations changed their lives.