

VDOT prepares area roads for Andrea’s arrival


Norfolk, Va. - Traffic is moving smoothly along the interstates as Tropical Storm Andrea makes landfall along the Florida panhandle. But Friday, it may not be as easy to get around Hampton Roads once the storm moves into the area.

“When we have any type of rainstorm, we have a lot of water in a small amount of period, we all know that there are certain areas on the interstate that are prone to flooding,” says Brooke Grow with VDOT.

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VDOT is taking action to get the interstates ready for the weather. Crews spent Thursday checking and cleaning storm drains to make sure they are free of litter and other debris.

It’s something they’ve been doing for the past two weeks as part of routine maintenance, but VDOT says they’re keeping an extra close eye on them because of the storm.

“We also have at this time, a tree-removal company on standby should we have any trees or debris or branches come into the interstate areas that could become roadway hazard for motorists,” Grow says.

Grow says they’re also watching the tide cycle, but at this point, they don’t believe they’ll need to close the tide gate at the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel.

Drivers will have some relief on the roads Friday. VDOT is cancelling all non-essential work zones on Friday so projects like paving and sign installation will not be taking place.

But even without construction crews on the roads, drivers will likely still have a lot to watch out for.

“We ask people to drive cautiously, to not speed, and don’t cross an area where you see water across the roadway, especially on our primary roads where you don’t know what’s underneath that water,” Grow says.

If you do see anything dangerous while you’re out driving, or notice flooding on the roads, report it to VDOT by calling 1-800-FOR-ROAD.