If you love tater tots – I mean really love them – there’s a contest you need to know about.
Tonight, Bar Louie at Hampton’s Peninsula Town Center is having a tater tot eating competition.
There are two races – the four person team relay, where the first team member starts by eating a pound of tater tots – then, the rest of the team follows suit. The winning team gets free tots for a year!
The solo contest is after that, a three-minute free for all – and whoever eats the most tots by the buzzer wins.
The prize – free tots for a year!
That is, if you can stomach ever seeing a tater tot again.
You’ll also have a chance to compete in the National Championship in Cleveland, Ohio in October.
Last year’s national champion ate 5.4 pounds of tater tots in six minutes.
Registration ends tonight at 7:30 p.m.