

“Talk Like a Pirate Day” at Krispy Kreme


Talk like a pirate – and get free food.

That’s right. Today, September 19, is “Talk Like a Pirate Day” across the country at Krispy Kreme.

If you talk like a pirate while in the store on Thursday, you will be rewarded with one free Original Glazed doughnut.

Anyone who wears full pirate attire will receive a dozen Original Glazed doughnuts – for free.

To receive the free stuff, you must have three or more of the following items:

Eye Patch

Pirate Hat


Peg Leg

Parrot On Shoulder

Pirate Shirt/ Loose White Shirt


Leather Belt

Silver And Gold Necklaces And Earrings

Pirate Hook

Pointy Black Boots Or Ragged Brown Sandals

Click here for more information on “Talk Like a Pirate Day”.