Portsmouth, Virginia - According to a Facebook post on Norfolk Naval Shipyard's Facebook page, employees will return to work Monday.
The post reads:
"This message was updated at 10:20 am on Sunday 6 Oct. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced yesterday he is recalling most of the Defense Department civilians who were placed on furlough as a result of the government shutdown."
Although the government shutdown continues, all shipyard employees are now exempt from the furlough and shall report to their normal work-sites, beginning with 1st shift, or on their regularly scheduled shift on Monday, October 7th, 2013.
As for employees who worked this week unsure of whether they would get paid, officials say that if you supported the military by working, you will be paid on time.
For employees that did not work, Pay Our Military Act (POMA) will not provide retroactive pay for the days you lost.
However, the Retroactive Pay Act may head to the president's desk which would get your money eventually.
Commissaries should open back up this week. Shelves had to be cleared due to the shutdown but they are now being restocked.
Employees should continue to monitor the Shipyard's Facebook page and the employee information line at 757-396-9551 for any additional updates.