Virginia Beach, Va. – Hundreds of women fired up their ovens and baked thousands of pink iced cupcakes in honor of breast cancer awareness month at Wave Church in Virginia Beach.
They delivered the sweet treats to doctors, patients, family members and employees of cancer specialist centers, cancer ward’s mammography clinics, OBGYN offices and oncology offices throughout Hampton Roads. Church members also included special handwritten notes from the Woman of Wave Church.
Hundreds of women partnered with Pastor Sharon Kelly who asked the women at the church to bake 6,000 pink iced cupcakes.
They started to bake the cupcakes on Monday night and on Tuesday, the women brought in their treats. They made well over the 6,000 that they were asked to bake and brought in nearly 7,000 cupcakes!
They had so many cupcakes left over that they took a few to schools, lingerie shops, and department stores in Virginia Beach.
They say this is just their small part in letting other women know they are thinking about them and praying for them.