A recent survey conducted by Realtor.com says more than half of home-buyers are opened to buying a haunted house.
The findings of the 2013 Haunted Housing Report were released last week after the survey was conducted from September 25 – October 1 on Realtor.com.
“When purchasing a home, buyers want to know what they are getting into and that includes anything potentially spooky,” said Alison Schwartz, vice president of corporate communications for Move Inc., which operates realtor.com. “Our data reveals that while the majority of consumers are open to purchasing a haunted home, many buyers conduct research on a home’s history to be aware of any weird incidences. Additionally, realtor.com data finds that while some respondents are willing to purchase a haunted home at a discounted price, many say levitating objects, ghost sightings and objects moving from one place to another would deter them from purchasing a home.”
Sentiment regarding a haunted home purchase:
• 26 percent indicated they would consider purchasing a haunted house for sale;
• 36 percent might consider a haunted home purchase;
• 38 percent would not consider a haunted home purchase.
Consumer experiences with haunted real estate:
• 51 percent heard about someone else’s haunted home experience;
• 35 percent lived in a home they suspected to be haunted;
• 25 percent have researched a home’s history to find out any eerie past incidents.
Most popular warning signs a home could be haunted:
• 61 percent thought a cemetery on the property could be an indication;
• 50 percent thought homes over 100 years old could be haunted;
• 45 percent considered quick transitions in owners could be a sign;
• 45 percent believe that an unexplainable low price on the home is alarming;
• 43 percent suspected homes in close proximity to a battlefield could be haunted.
Of the respondents who would consider purchasing a haunted home, many indicated that they would expect discounts on a property:
• 12 percent would pay full market value or more for a haunted house for sale;
• 34 percent would purchase a haunted home if it were discounted 1 to 30 percent;
• 22 percent would purchase a haunted home if it were discounted 31 to 50 percent;
• 19 percent would purchase a haunted home if it were discounted 51 percent or more.
Among the respondents who would contemplate purchasing a haunted home, the following spooky occurrences would scare them away:
• 75 percent, levitating objects;
• 63 percent, objects being moved from where they were placed;
• 63 percent, ghost sightings;
• 61 percent, supernatural sensations;
• 61 percent, flickering lights/appliances;
• 60 percent, strange noises (footsteps, doors slamming);
• 34 percent, warm or cold spots.