

Johnathan Montgomery granted Writ of Actual Innocence

and last updated

Johnathan Montgomery, the man falsely accused of sexual assault, has received his writ of innocence.

So, whats next?

NewsChannel 3 Investigative Reporter Mike Mather says, this is it. It’s done, and because the state is in support of the motion, there is no one to appeal. Until today, Johnathan had to stay in touch with the Department of Corrections and be “monitored” by them, and he had to stay on good behavior. All of those conditions have now evaporated.

The decision says the conviction is vacated and an order expunging the conviction will be sent to Hampton.

Johnathan can say on any forms or applications that he has never been convicted of a felony. Further, all of the court records that you can see online, or in person, will disappear. It will be as if they never existed.

In an interview with NewsChannel 3’s Todd Corillo, Johnathan Montgomery said:

“It has been a different experience, but I wouldn’t have it any other way and I wouldn’t take for granted what I have now. The best thing I’ve learned out of this experience is that a lot of people take for granted the freedoms that they do have. They don’t understand what they are doing with what they have. I have a deeper understanding of what’s going on.”

“It feels like my birthday, but it’s Christmas. I mean it’s the best Christmas present anyone could ever receive.”

“It’s been a really trying time because as far as the patience is concerned, but I’m happy it’s over now.” 

Writ of Actual Innocence

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