

Thieves targeting unlocked cars in Newport News


Some Newport News residents woke up to an unpleasant surprise on Monday after someone rummaged through their cars, stealing wallets and electronics.

Kelsey Schee had only left her car unlocked for a short time but it didn’t take a thief long to seize the opportunity.

“The whole back of my truck was open, things were laying out, the lights were on inside, the glove compartment was open. Even the sunglass visor was down,” she says.

Her wallet, Kindle, and other items were stolen out of the car.

“I told her that we’re going to have to get SafeLock to protect her identity. I mean, they have her social and her birthday,” says Schee’s boyfriend Marcus Taylor.

Even a duffle bag with her name on it was taken.

“I think they probably used that to throw things in there they got,” Schee says.

Across the street, on Warwickshire Court, her neighbor’s car was also targeted and her wallet stolen.

“My ID, social security card, debit card, my life,” says Tori Rocha.

She’s just glad they missed the Christmas presents in the trunk.

It’s not just the one street that was targeted. On Monday, there were 21 reported cases in Newport News of cars that either had items stolen or someone had obviously rummaged through it.

That was the case for Gilda Banks. She’s less than a mile away on North Avenue.

“It was just the glove compartment open and the back compartment open and everything was thrown across the seat but nothing was taken,” she says.

That’s surprising to Banks considering she had a GPS in the car.

“We’re blessed, nothing happened,” she says.

Although Schee wasn’t as lucky, she’s trying to stay positive about it.

“I want them to get caught just so they don’t do it to other people. But if they needed those items and they have kids, hopefully they at least get a good Christmas out of it. I’ll still have a good Christmas, his girls will still have a good Christmas,” she says.

All of the victims say they normally lock their cars but this time they got distracted or forgot.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.