Chad Ward made a joke on Facebook and his neighbors called his bluff.
Rushing into the snow in just his underwear, he was anything but graceful. He plopped down and made child's art as a grown man wearing superman boxers.
"I wish there was a charity that would allow me to do something crazy like this for a good cause. [I] didn't want to really embarrass my family without it being for something worthwhile."
So the big man with a big heart linked up with Their goal is to give water purifiers to people without access to clean water in Africa.
Ward and two of his friends jumped in the snow, nearly baring it all after raising $1,000 in less than a day from people who donated to his campaign at
"It's been a crazy ride and I'm ready to do it again," Ward said. "The plan was to start doing it every $500 and I'll do it until the snow melts. So I'm praying for some warm weather and some generous hearts out there, too."
Does he regret saying he'd jump into the snow to raise money for clean water in Africa?
When the cold first hits his skin, maybe, but once he warms up, he feels satisfied taking action for those in need.
If you would like to donate, go to Ward's pagehere.