

Grape-hungry bug from Italy could hurt Virginia’s wine


The weevil could hurt Virginia's grapes and its growing wine market.
NewsChannel 3 joked with the head winemaker at Williamsburg Winery, the state's biggest, if the bug was sent by Italian winemakers to undercut Virginia's wine industry.

"No, no, no, the weevil was looking for a free boat ride," Matthew Mayer replied while laughing.

The leaf roller weevil was spotted for the first time ever in the States by border patrol at the Port of Norfolk.

An illegal alien hell bent on hogging Virginia's grapes all to themselves.

"We can control it," Mayer said. "It doesn't do much damage to us."

The weevil would just eat some leaves and buds, its their larvae that could be a problem, once they get in to the roots and jeopardize future wines.

"They could start a little bit of a problem," Mayer said. "For us in Virginia, it's not a problem that we worry about."

This is just one bug, and Mayer says it gets too cold here for the weevil.
Mutations and rapid procreation would increase the threat of the bug.
Luckily though, any spec of a threat is years off, and why spend time worrying about something so far, when you could be drinking wine?