Not all drivers will receive tickets for running red lights at intersections where there are red light cameras. But, some drivers will receive disciplinary action resulting from running that red light – NewsChannel 3’s Laurie Simmons explains:
Red light tickets are not issued to emergency vehicles, including fire trucks; ambulances; and police vehicles with sirens on.
Funeral processions with police escorts are also exempt from red light camera tickets. Others who are exempt include drivers who have out-of-country license plates; and those who have temporary license plates.
City and government vehicles are also exempt. That includes VDOT or DMV vehicles. (This includes state and local vehicles.) However — an amendment was made to the state code a few years ago, stating that a city, state, or county government or governmental agency can get the red light camera information from the vehicle which ran the red light — and use that information to possibly take disciplinary action against that employee driver.
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