

The lesson every mom needs to teach their kid about Facebook


A picture on Facebook, from a community page for parents, has gone viral – and that’s exactly what this mom intended.

According to reports circulating the internet, the picture was re-posted on March 18, on the page “Southern mama.” The mother, Kira Hudson, from Colorado, originally asked friends on her Facebook page to share the picture of her daughter.

The picture the young girl is holding says “Mom is trying to show me how many people can see a picture once it’s on the internet.”
It was shared on the page earlier on Wednesday and since then it was shared 54,637 times (at 9:45 p.m. Wednesday night). A viral picture you may regret later can spread beyond your control pretty quickly, wouldn’t you say?

There was more to the lesson, too, once the community started to respond.
One commenter wrote:

“Mom’s right! I’m a mom too but I don’t know your mom and have never seen this page before today. I received this from a friend of a friend. In less than 10 minutes I was able to figure out your name, Mom’s name, where you go to high school, where you live, your aunt who lives one state away from, your aunt/uncle/cousins in a northern state, and your grandmother one state away but not the same state as your aunt, and one of your baby pics. Kinda scary huh? Mom might want to know I was able to get the daughters information because of the information found on this page together with Mom’s page. Might want to tighten up the privacy features.”

Another person responded with this picture:

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