

E-ZPass transactions not being posted to accounts — again


You’ve seen the signs urging drivers to choose the more convenient option – buying an E-ZPass. But for those who have, it hasn’t been that simple.

“I checked it last week and it’s like, wow, I’ve only had like 20 transactions since they started turning it on,” says driver Rich Moorman.

Transactions are not being posted to E-ZPass accounts. This is the second time it’s happened since tolls went into effect on February 1st.

E-ZPass account holders received an alert on Thursday stating money hasn’t been deducted from their account since April 3rd.

This time, there’s a transfer issue with the system between the roadside computers and back office computers.

Once the problem is fixed, account holders will not be charged the full amount of one day.

The problem is expected to be fixed within the next few days and then account holders should see the transactions start to post.