An advertisement for a group of Seattle-based burger restaurants is raising eyebrows.
The ad, which was emailed out to approximately 13,000 subscribers, features a picture of Jesus holding a burger and a marijuana joint. A text bubble from Jesus’ mouth reads “When I Get Back, All I Want is the Burger of the Gods.”
Above him is Easter’s date (4-20-14) with the 4-20 highlighted in green. The advertised sale is a BOGO deal for the “Burger of the Gods” on Easter Sunday.
Owner John Schmidt told that the ad was supposed to call attention to an Easter sale. And since Easter happens to fall on 4-20 — a popular day for marijuana enthusiasts — Schmidt decided to add the extra twist by putting a joint in Jesus’ hand.
“The chatter is much more than I anticipated,” Schmidt said. “I’m simply trying to sell burgers.”
Schmidt says he is a practicing Christian and a family man who is just trying to make his small business work.
“I’m not your moral compass,” Schmidt said. “We’re just trying to sell sandwiches. If you’re looking to me for moral direction you’re probably misguided.”