

As local sailors head to Persian Gulf, loved ones react back here at home

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The violence continues to grow in Iraq and now the United States will have a presence nearby, as the aircraft carrier USS George H. W.  Bush is on the way into the Persian gulf. It will go alongside the guided-missile destroyer the USS Truxton. Both are ships based out of Norfolk, meaning thousands of local sailors will be the first to fight, if needed.

"It's a little scary," says Brooke Raab. Her husband is a Gunner's Mate first class on board. "Any wife would tell you the same thing. It's scary not knowing what could happen. You can't do much. All you can do is wait for a phone call from your husband."

She's says with two kids at home, she can't dwell on the possibility what if, even though this move is to prepare for the worst.

Part of a statement released by Pentagon Press Secretary U.S. Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby says "The order will provide the Commander-in-Chief additional flexibility should military options be required to protect American lives, citizens and interests in Iraq."

It's a move Raab doesn't agree with but says her husband and her family have no choice. Its the life they proudly signed up for.

"It's the life we chose. There's nothing we can do, we can gripe and groan as much as we want by it's not like they are going to listen to us, it's Navy first." she said.

But for Jodi Register, whose husband is a Lieutenant Commander and an F-18 pilot on-board the USS Bush, she's proud of that life and proud of her husband.

"I'm honored that my husband is out there. I'm honored, regardless of my nerves, I'm honored he has worked his whole life to do this and this is what he enjoys so I support that to the fullest," Register said. "We signed ourselves on that dotted line for any of those risks. It's all for our country. Again, it's what makes us a force to reckon with."

In the end, these two women, like thousands of others across Hampton Roads just want the same thing: their loved one's safe return home.

"He'll be home. He has come home before and you just got to keep positive and support them that is all you can do." Register added.