

Movie night in Virginia Beach!

and last updated

Virginia Beach, Va. – What tops pizza and a movie? Yeah, we can’t think of anything better, either.

A couple of weeks ago, Parkway Elementary School kicked off the school year by hosting their bi-annual PTA Movie Night. Children and parents retreated to the school for an evening of fun and laughter.

The festivities started at 6:00 p.m. About 30 families showed up ready with their pillows and sleeping bags. It was a full house!

Families were in for a special treat: Rio 2! Children were mesmerized by the animated colorful birds and dynamic songs that lit up the screen.

Let’s not forget about the goodies. The PTA supplied pizza, popcorn, chips, and soda. It was definitely a snack filled Friday.

The event was totally free, if parents’ PTA dues were paid. If not, parents only had to pay for food and drinks, but admission was free to everyone. PTA dues were $6.00.

Parkway Elementary School Teacher, Christina Hutchins said that movie night is geared towards getting families involved in extracurricular activities with the school. It’s all about family bonding!

-Meghan Kee