

Poll: 86% of Americans to eat Turkey on Thanksgiving

and last updated

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Chewing and shopping. That’s on the agenda for Americans this Thursday.

As folks sit down for turkey, stuffing and all the trimmings, 45% say they’ll be having dinner at home, while 42% will spend it at a relative’s home, according to a new CNN/ORC International poll.

Five percent plan to go to a restaurant, and six percent say they’re going to a friend’s home.

The percentage of Americans who plan on eating turkey has decreased slightly since 1992, down to 86% from 91%.

And because this is a political story, we’ll give you the party breakdown: 91% of Republicans say they’ll be eating turkey, compared to 87% of Democrats and 83% of independents.

As for hitting those holiday sales, 12% say they plan to go shopping at a store, mall or other retail establishment on Thanksgiving Day.

“That may not sound like many shoppers, but in a nation of more than 300 million people, it comes to more than 36 million who may be looking for bargains on Thanksgiving,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

That number nearly doubles on Black Friday, when 22% say they plan to go shopping on the day after Thanksgiving.

The poll was conducted for CNN by ORC International by telephone with 1,045 adult Americans on November 21-23. The poll’s overall sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.