Accomack County, Va. (WTKR)- The next trial for convicted arsonist Tonya Bundick will not be moved from Virginia Beach.
That was just one motion Judge Glen Tyler ruled on today in an Accomack County courtroom.
Bundick's new lawyer also asked to have Charles Smith sentenced.
Smith -- Bundick's former fiancé and co-conspirator -- already entered a guilty plea to 68 counts of arson in October 2013 but has not yet been sentenced.
Judge Tyler denied that motion citing that he didn't feel he had legal authority to compel a sentencing in a separate case.
Back in September, Bundick was sentenced for her first two convictions that netted her a 10.5 year prison sentence.
Convicted arsonist Tonya Bundick writes a letter asking for new lawyer
Now convicted, Eastern Shore arsonist Tonya Bundick faces years in prison
Eastern Shore arsonist Tonya Bundick to serve 10.5 years
UPDATE: Tonya Bundick found guilty of arson, jury recommends three years, six months