

Dog refuses to leave her dead puppy’s side


SAVANNAH, Ga. — CNN — A golden retriever spent days mourning the loss of her puppy and refused to leave the cemetery where it died.

Deep in the heart of one of Savannah’s most historic cemeteries was a mother mourning the loss of her offspring.

“At first I was like ‘jeez, that’s pretty hard and that’s pretty heavy you know?” said Hunter Cone.

For at least two days now, this beautiful golden retriever has been lying in Laurel Grove North, refusing to leave her baby’s side, as most mothers would. Cone discovered her on a photography outing to the cemetery.

“It made me feel really depressed and upset,” Cone said. “That’s something I didn’t want to see, but I’m kind of glad I did.”

Hunter and his mom brought her food and water. While she is weak and timid, the strength of her motherly instincts is still intact.

“I mean, the dog braced through the cold, starvation and thirst to stay with its dead puppy,” Cone explained.

With temperatures expected to drop well below freezing on Wednesday night, hunter knew she needed shelter. Attempts to lure her with food and water failed. The only thing that seemed to calm her down for a bit–another puppy similar to hers. But even that was unsuccessful.

“I don’t want there to be another dead dog in the cemetery,” Cone said. “As ironic as it sounds. It’s still very sad.”

After six hours, there was still no luck retrieving this golden, and it became clear this mother is still not ready to leave her baby’s side.

“If this doesn’t prove that dogs have feelings just like humans do, I don’t think anything else will,” Cone said.

The plan was to try and continue to rescue the dog. The folks out there say they already have a foster home lined up for her. But, rescuers now say the golden retriever has buried the puppy in the cemetery and run away.