

Christopher Newport University updates sexual misconduct policy


Newport News, Va. – Christopher Newport University has released a new sexual misconduct policy that went into effect on January 1, 2015.

This new sexual misconduct policy has been an ongoing process that reflects guidelines administered by the state and national government.

The changes that have occurred have been directed at the definition of sexual misconduct stating, “Non-consensual action of another for his/her own advantage through invasion of sexual privacy, prostituting another student, non-consensual video-taping.”

Where the last policy focused on the lack of consent, this new policy emphasizes consent as, ” A voluntary act given by unambiguous words or actions, as long as those words or actions create mutually understandable clear permission regarding willingness to engage in a specific sexual activity.”

CNU has added two clauses that were previously absent in the previous sexual misconduct policy.

The Amnesty clause encourages students to come forward with any sexual misconduct that has taken place and protects students from punishment by the University for underage consumption of alcohol or use of drugs. The False Information Clause prevents incorrect information to be released in any sexual misconduct case.

The updated version of the sexual misconduct policy can be found in Christopher Newport University 2014-2015 Student Handbook.

Katie Vu