WASHINGTON — If you were planning on using a Taylor Swift-penned phrase on, say, a locket or a jewelry box, think again. Because you could be trying to shake off a legal bill.
T. Swizzle, whose business savvy is rivaled only by her aptitude for earworms, has taken outseveral trademarks for phrases like “Party Like It’s 1989,” “This Sick Beat,” “Cause We Never Go Out of Style.”
This means you’ll need Swift’s permisison if you want to use any of those phrases on a whole host of stuff: aprons, “non-medicated” toiletries and — we kid you not — walking sticks.
The filings are on top of dozens more she’s held for years. They were reported by Vox, citing the legal database, Justia.
Interestingly enough, “Shake It Off” is not on the list. Perhaps because that trademark is already held by a diet company.
Swift took out the patents last year on the heels of her fifth studio album, “1989.”
Given the incredible success of that album, you can’t blame a girl for wanting to protect her brand. And if you’re hate, hate, hating on her for that, well, you know what you can do.