

Is your smartphone making you dumb?

and last updated

Kansas City, MO – Most people can’t live without their gadgets, especially their smart phones. But is your smart phone actually making you dumber?

Fox4 conducted an unscientific survey asking basic questions of folks he knew on the streets of Kansas City.

How many of these can you answer correctly?

  1. What is 15 percent of $50?
  2. Who is the Vice President of the United States?
  3. From memory, what is your best friend’s phone number?
  4. Name the states that border Missouri?
  5. Whose face is on a $20 bill?
  6. How many cups are in a gallon?
  7. What happened on December 7, 1941?
  8. Who is famous for painting Mona Lisa?
  9. Which month is Black History Month in the USA?
  10. What is the name of the poker hand containing three-of-a-kind and a pair?
  11. Who wrote the ‘Harry Potter’ series?
  12. How many syllables make up a haiku?
  13. In what country were the 2014 Winter Olympics held in town of Sochi?
  14. How many Supreme Court justices are there?
  15. Who is the governor of Kansas?
  16. How is the number 5 written in Roman numerals?
  17. How many keys are on a standard piano?
  18. What is the square root of 16?
  19. In which American city would you find the headquarters of General Motors?
  20. How many X chromosomes do women have?

The answers will be provided after 10 p.m. here.