Credit: WGHP
Fifty years ago, the idea of texting from a mobile phone would seem like science fiction. Now it’s all most teenagers do.
Teenagers rarely spell out words while texting, opting to use acronyms instead. When attempting to decipher the codes, it can feel like translating a language.
Some teenagers also used texting acronyms to hide behavior from their parents. WGHP spoke to some parents and family members who were clueless about the "secret" acronyms.
Texting codes referring to sex are rampant. The group of parents said they were shocked to hear how some teenagers are choosing to communicate. A dad told us he was surprised by “the extent that they will go to to hide things.”

Credit: WGHP
And while they realize they can’t stop it, they said it's important to have an open dialogue with teenagers.
“You’re not going to be able to stop teens. They will find another way to get the message across. It’s going to be up to adults to find out what these things mean," an uncle said.
Here are 23 commonly used texting acronyms:
9 -- Parent watching
CD9 -- Code 9 - it means parents are around
99 -- Parent gone
143 --I love you
BROKEN -- hung over
420 -- Marijuana
1337 -- Elite or leet or L337
459 -- I love you
53X -- Sex
ADR -- Address
ASL -- Age/Sex/Location
1174 -- the meeting place, meet at
F2F -- Face-to-Face
GNOC -- Get Naked On Cam
IWSN -- I Want Sex Now
8 – Oral sex
IPN – I’m posting naked
LH6 – Let’s have sex
WTTP – Want to trade pictures?
DOC – Drug of choice
TWD – Texting while driving
GYPO – Get your pants off
KPC -- Keeping parents clueless