

What does your Facebook status say about you?


Many of us do this daily, scroll down our newsfeeds on Facebook.

Most of the time, it’s to connect with online friends or to read their Facebook posts.

A new study from a UK university wants to help you decipher what those statues are really saying about your friends.

The study which looked at hundreds of statuses from Facebook users found that certain personality types were more likely post certain messages.

The most surprising is that of an insecure person.

Researchers found that people who have low self-esteem are likely to post something about their romantic partner in an effort to “claim” their relationship.

Meanwhile, the study shows extroverts frequently wrote about social events.

Conscientious people, or those who want to go by the book, often wrote about their kids.

And narcissists mostly shared updates about their achievements as well as their diet and fitness routine.