

Dominion shares energy saving tips to keep your cooling costs low

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Norfolk, VA- Summer is here and so is the scorching heat. Don’t let the rise in temperatures significantly affect your energy bill. Dominion releases energy saving tips to help keep your cooling costs low.

image002According to Dominion, most homes have significant air leaks that can drive up energy costs. These leaks can be found in the outer walls, doors and windows. Sunny windows can also account for up to 40 percent of unwanted heat, ultimately forcing your air conditioner to work two to three times harder. A solution? Close the blinds or curtains during the day to keep the warm air out.

As always, remember to turn off lights and TVs when not in use and unplug unnecessary appliances for a simple and immediate savings solution. You might not think twice about leaving your phone charger or toaster plugged in all the time, but even when not in use, those appliances and chargers are still drawing electricity.

Consider installing LED lights in your light fixtures not only for their energy savings, but also for their durability.

Set your thermostat to the highest comfortable temperature during the summer months. The U.S. Department of Energy and Dominion recommend 78 degrees. Remember to replace or clean air filters monthly to help your system run efficiently. Make sure to turn off any ceiling fans when leaving the room; by creating a wind chill effect ceiling fans only cool people, not rooms.

Keep your water heater set at 120 degrees and take the time to insulate the heater and adjacent pipes to prevent any heat loss.

And as if you needed another excuse to have a barbecue or grill out those burgers and hot dogs, grilling outdoors can save money during hot weather by lowering cooling costs.

-Danielle Ruble