

Students Taking Action: Salem Middle honor student leads and inspires her peers


Virginia Beach, Va. - NewsChannel 3 and Ynot Italian are honoring students who are taking action and making a difference in their schools and communities.

We surprised 8th grader Bella Bugarin on the day before the last day of school in her chorus class at Salem Middle School.

Bella's voice has landed her in the Virginia Beach All-District Chorus two years in a row.

When she's not singing, the National Junior Honor Society member is leading her peers as president of the Student Council Association, or SCA.

“My whole SCA worked really hard to accomplish a lot for this school so I feel like we're leaving a big mark that will hopefully carry on,” Bella said.

They collected toys for the Toys for Tots program and revived the spirit assembly at Salem Middle School.

“We haven't had a spirit assembly in over 20 years.  She was the MC and man did she lead it. She carried on the whole show and really gained the support of everybody and it was huge success,” said Tammy Fleischer, the SCA advisor.

“I'm sure she's going to go on to Salem High School and do great things there. They're going to be lucky to have someone like Bella,” Fleischer said.

Bella received a Students Taking Action medal, a $100 Visa gift card and a gift card to take her family to dinner at Ynot Italian.

Plus, her chorus class received a pizza party.

“She does a lot for the school, she does a lot at home, I'm just extremely proud of her,” said Rey Bugarin, Bella’s dad.