STOCKTON -- A Stockton woman’s phone has been ringing and ringing, after her home number was printed on a flier by mistake. Now, she's taking calls that are intended to go to Planned Parenthood.
It wasn’t a surprise that Bonnie Smith didn’t answer the door right away when KTXL went to visit her.
“When you rang the bell, I was talking to a young woman who had called," Bonnie Smith said.
Smith has been getting some unusual phone calls.
"This lady said 'Do you take walk-ins?' And I'm going... hmm.. No," she laughed.
It all might have something to do with a hand-out that lists addresses, directions and phone numbers for local Planned Parenthood clinics.
But the problem is, Smith says the number for the North Stockton clinic is actually her home phone number.
The two phone numbers aren't even close. The last four digits only share a zero, and the zero isn't even in the same place."
We contacted Planned Parenthood Mar Monte about all this. Liz Figueroa, vice president of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood Mar Monte sent us a statement that said in part:
“We appreciate this being brought to our attention. We apologize to those inconvenienced by this error. We are working quickly to correct the situation. If patients would like to make an appointment with our North Stockton Health Center or any Planned Parenthood Mar Monte health center, please call 1-800-330-8542.”
"Well I've had this number for 40 years -- 40 or 50 years," Smith said.
Smith says she's got nothing against Planned Parenthood. She's not even really annoyed by the calls. But she does feel a little bad for people who are calling looking for help.
“I get two, maybe three calls a day. And I can always tell. 'Do you take walk-ins?'” Smith said.