

CNU Presidential Poll: Biden performs better than Clinton against Republicans


According to a new presidential poll by Christopher Newport University, the Democratic Party may have a tough choice in the upcoming race.

Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is still the top choice among Democrats right now, but her lead has tanked since April.

The only two Republican candidates she beats is Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in head-to-head match ups.

Although he’s not in the race, Vice President Joe Biden beats every Republican candidate in the same head-to-head contest.

At the moment, Donald Trump is running away with the race on the Republican side and Ben Carson is next in line.

Virginia voters are already fired up about the big race.

About half of voters in the state say they’ve really thought about the upcoming primary elections, which is only five months away!

About 41% of voters say they are following news about the candidates closely and 84% say they are somewhat following.

To read more about this poll, click here.