Virginia Beach, Va. (WTKR) - Three local health departments in Southside Hampton Roads are offering free flu shot clinics on Saturday, October 17th.
"You can use these points of dispensing to hand out different types of material, whatever needs to be handed out. This time we happen to be doing flu vaccine," Virginia Beach Health Department Emergency Coordinator Bob Engle told NewsChannel 3's Todd Corillo Tuesday.
Two of the clinics are drive-thru events. People attending the drive-thru clinics are asked to wear short sleeves.
Chesapeake Health Dept.: Drive-thru event for ages 3 years and up
Free flu shots
Location: 748 N. Battlefield Blvd.
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Enter at the intersection of Knells Ridge Blvd. and Battlefield Blvd.
Contact person: Pam Blair-Miller 382-8654
Norfolk Health Dept.: Drive-thru and Strike out the Flu event for ages 3 and up
Free flu shots
Location: Harbor Park 150 Park Avenue
Time 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Contact person: Dwayne Merritt 683-2796
Virginia Beach Health Department: Walk-up event for ages 3 and up
Free flu shots
Location 1: Newtown Elementary School 5277 Learning Circle
Location 2: Kemps Landing/Old Donation School 2509 Seaboard Road
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Contact person: Bob Engle 518-2784
Anyone with questions about the vaccination clinics can call the VBHD at 518-2700
weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.