

Cop takes donkey for a ride-along


You’ll find a lot of jackasses in the back of a squad car, but you don’t expect to see a real donkey.

But that’s exactly what a Norman, Oklahoma, police officer was hauling Tuesday morning.

A woman on her way to work first saw the donkey, nicknamed Squishy, meandering along a busy roadway.

“If I hadn’t gotten him off the road, yeah, he could have definitely been killed,” Robin Strader told CNN affiliate KFOR.

The police were called, and Officer Kyle Canaan showed up. Strader told Canaan that Squishy could stay on her property, but she couldn’t take him in her car because he was too big.

So Canaan put the donkey in the back of his ride, a space usually reserved for drunks, thieves and other riffraffs.

But Squishy was no trouble at all. Well, almost.

“It used the bathroom in the back of my police car,” Canaan told KFOR. “I mean, I must have got it right after breakfast, because there was a lot.”

Well, Canaan did use some animal feed to coax Squishy into the car.

The ride to Strader’s property was short, just four miles, and she plans to adopt Squishy if no one claims him.